Dr Robert Schleip PhD MA (D)

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Robert Schleip PhD MA directs the Fascia Research Project of Ulm University in Germany.

Having been a Rolfing instructor and Feldenkrais practitioner for over 20 years, he felt frustrated with the speculative nature of scientific explanations backing up most areas of current bodywork. When he entered the field of connective tissue science as an active laboratory researcher in 2003, he became so thrilled that he soon became one of the driving international forces in the newly emerging field of fascia research.

His own research findings on active contractile properties of human fasciae have been honored with the Vladimir Janda Award of Musculoskeletal Medicine.

He is research director of the European Rolfing Association, and co—initiator of the 1st Fascia Research Congress hosted at Harvard Medical School (Boston 2007) as well as of the subsequent congresses.

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