Book Release of Dr. Schleip R. : Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body, 2nd Edition

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Article publié le 29 décembre 2021


The role of the fascia in musculoskeletal conditions and as a body-wide communication system is now well established. Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body is constitutes the most comprehensive foundational textbook available that also provides the latest research theory and science around fascia and their function.

This book is unique in offering consensus from scientists and clinicians from across the world and brings together the work of the group behind the international Fascia Research Congress. It is ideal for advanced sports physiotherapists /physical therapists, musculoskeletal/orthopaedic medicine practitioners, as well as all professionals with an interest in fascia and human movement.

The comprehensive contents lay the foundations of understanding about fascia, covering current scientific understanding of physiology and anatomy, fascial-related disorders and associated therapies, and recently developed research techniques.


Key Features

  • Full colour illustrations clearly show fascia in context
  • New content based on latest research evidence
  • Critical evaluation of fascia-oriented therapies by internationally trusted experts
  • Chapter outlines, key points and summary features to aid navigation
  • Accompanying e-book version include instructional videos created by clinicians



Author Information

Edited by
  • Robert Schleip, PhD, MA , Director Fascia Research Project, Ulm University Germany; Research Director European Rolfing Association; Director Deutche Gesellschaft fur Myofascial Release; Registered Naturopath, Certified Rolfing & Feldenkrais Teacher;
  • Carla Stecco, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon; Professor of Human Anatomy and Movement Science, University of Padua, Italy;
  • Mark Driscoll, Eng, PhD, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University; Canada NSERC Chair Design Engineering for Interdisciplinary Innovation of Medical Technologies; Director of the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Lab at McGill University; Co-director of the Orthopaedic Research Lab, Montreal General Hospital; Associate member, Biomedical Engineering, McGill University; Professional Engineer with the Order of Engineers of Quebec, Canada
  • Peter Huijing, PhD, Professor of Biomechanics and Physiology, Research Instituut MOVE, Faculteit Bewegingswetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Product details

  • ISBN Number : 9780702071836
  • Author Information : Edited by Robert Schleip, PhD, MA , Carla Stecco, MD, Mark Driscoll, Eng, PhD and Peter Huijing, PhD
  • Copyright Year: 2021
  • Edition Number: 2
  • Format: Book
  • Format Size: 235 x 191 (7 1/2 x 9 1/4)
  • Illustrations: Approx. 332 illustrations (332 in full color)
  • Imprint: Elsevier
  • Page Count: 744
  • Publication Date: 14-12-2021
  • Stock Status: IN STOCK

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